Nepali to English Date Converter Online | BS to AD Converter

Nepali to English Date Converter Online | Convert English Date to Nepali: Are you searching for Nepali to English date converter online? Or, want to convert English date to Nepali? If yes, then good news for you. We have introduced english to Nepali date converter which allows you to convert English date to Nepali and vice versa.

The Online Nepali Date Converter is very much beneficial for Nepalese citizens and NRNs who are living in abroad countries as well. Online date facilitates to convert dates like date of birth and historical Nepali date. It also helps to convert the issued date of Citizenship, Passport, VISA, and other personal documents.

How to Convert Nepali Date to English?

If you want to convert BS to AD then follow these steps:

  • Set Bikram Samvat full date in year, month and day simultaneously on the left side.
  • Click on Convert

Similarly, if you want to convert AD to BS then follow these steps:

  • Set English full date in year, month and day simultaneously on the right side.
  • Click on Convert

About Nepali to English & English to Nepali Date Converter Tool

A Nepali date converter is an online tool that allows you to convert a date from the Gregorian calendar (which is used in most parts of the world) to the Bikram Sambat calendar, which is used in Nepal. It can also convert a Nepali date from the Bikram Sambat calendar to the Gregorian calendar’s English date.

The Bikram Sambat calendar is a lunar calendar that is used in Nepal and some other parts of South Asia. It is based on the lunar cycles and consists of 12 months, with each month consisting of 29 or 30 days. The date in the Bikram Sambat calendar is typically written in the format “Year-Month-Day”, with the year being counted from the year of the founding of the Kathmandu valley, which is believed to be around the year 57 BC.

To use a Nepali date converter, you would need to enter the date you want to convert and select either the “to Nepali” or “to Gregorian” option, depending on whether you want to convert the date to the Bikram Sambat calendar or to the Gregorian calendar. The converter will then display the converted date.

How Does Date Converter Work Online?

Nepali Date Converter tool converts Nepali (Bikram Sambat, BS) date to English (Gregorian date, AD) online and vice versa. The tool is capable to convert the date range of 2000 B.S to 2089 B.S. The further date-converting capability will be added as soon as possible.

Nepali to English Date Converter tool is a free online software to change Nepali date into English date. You can change (B.S to A.D) & (A.D to B.S) using this online date converter tool online very easily. We have embedded the web application tool to translate Nepali Date into English Date and vice versa. You will change the date seamlessly.

Online Nepali date converters typically work by using algorithms to perform the date conversion. When you enter a date that you want to convert, the tool will use a set of rules and formulas to determine the equivalent date in the other calendar.

For example, if you want to convert a date from the Gregorian calendar to the Nepali calendar, the converter will first determine the year, month, and day of the date in the Gregorian calendar. It will then use a set of rules to determine the equivalent year, month, and day in the Nepali calendar.

The specific algorithms and rules used by different online date converters may vary, but most of them will use similar approaches to perform the conversion. Some online date converters may also allow you to customize the conversion process or choose from different calendar systems.

What is the use of Date Converter Tool?

This tool is useful for converting dates for multiple purposes.

  • Convert date of birth from Nepali to English [or English to Nepali]
  • Convert important historical Nepali dates
  • Passport issue and expiry date conversion
  • Convert VISA dates
  • Academic Qualification/Certificate/Mark-sheet Issued Date Conversion
  • Other document translation

You can use this date converter tool to convert Nepali date to English date and to convert English date to Nepali Date for other various purposes like applying for foreign college/university admissions, and Visa for jobs and immigration abroad, planning on going on a vacation or traveling to other countries for tourism, Green Card Visa Lottery (E-DV Visa), green card, passport and so on.

Are there any Nepali Date Converter Tools Available Online?

There are dozens are websites that allow their visitors to convert Nepali date into English date. We’ve listed the top five Nepali date converter websites based on Google search ranking positions.

  1. Rajan Nepal’s Date Converter [Click here]
  2. Hamro Patro Nepali to English Date Converter [Click here]
  3. Ashesh Nepali Date Converter [Click here]
  4. Sudeep Tamrakar Date Converter [Click here]
  5. Nepali Date Converter [Click here]

Special thanks to Ashesh Nepali Date Converter to allow us to embed Nepali to English date converter tool on our website.

We hope this online software tool will be useful to convert Nepali date to English and vice-versa. If you have any problem or question regarding Nepali to English Date Converter Online Tool please feel free to comment us below. We will always there to help you as soon as possible. Thank You.

Nepali to English Date Converter Online, Free Tool to Convert English Date to Nepali

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